Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Semester Break

Aww..Long time I didn't update my blog. I abandoned my blog again.. I've finished my final examination last week. Allow me to enjoy pig's life a few days, playing games, reading some books, that I brought when I was working at popular book fest 2010. Watching series of movies, chuck, vampire diaries. Its cool and I've addicted to those series.goshh..

Recently, I've had a problem with sleep, suffering from insomnia after exam. sighh..It is not about the test, because I know that I did quite well on the test this time. It about something that.. I can't and I don't know how to tell. Its complicated. I couldn't have been more wrong. I thought I can get rid of it but its not that easy, its seems not worked. I can't escape it, as much as I want to. Well, anyway..Its doesn't an important matter anymore, I hope so.. Its just a part of my life. Life still move on, so be ready for the good and invite it in when its come. Always be cool and steady~

I just went for an interview this morning and lucky I get the job. So I'm going to genting highland next Tuesday until 2nd of January. Next semester my uni start on 3rd. My time are fully schedule and I'm glad with it.. First day hope i won't skip lectures. Besides, I gotto spend my christmas up there and alone, may be. my goshh...

I'm going back home tomorrow morning. I've to drive 6 hours car, so going to sleep soon. Its enough for today, I wanted to update something interesting next time. Stay tune~


Aww..Long time I didn't update my blog. I abandoned my blog again.. I've finished my final examination last week and enjoy pig's life a few days, reading some books, that I brought when I was working at popular book fest 2010. Watching series of movies, chuck, vampire diaries. Its cool and I've addicted to those series.goshh..

I've had a problem with sleep, suffering from insomnia after exam. sighh..It is not about the test, because I know that I did quite well on the test this time. It about something that I can't and I don't know how to tell. Its complicated. I couldn't have been more wrong. I thought I can get rid of it but its not that easy, its seems not worked. I can't escape it, as much as I want to. Well, still move on, so be ready for the good and invite it in when its come. Always be cool and steady~

I just went for an interview this morning and I get the job. So I'm going to genting highland next tuesday. I gotto spend my

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


考完四科了,一天比一天懒惰读。不可以告诉我的潜意识我累,可真的不是普通的累,是不简的累,我想,不直我一人累。。所以,加油吧!第一天考prob, 应该还算顺利吧。Corporate finance,lecturer很好,他第一次教这科,题目有些跟tutorial一样,连number都没换,可最后一题的最后一part,想了整半小时,还是有很强烈的预感是做错的。算了,快要五点了。懒惰想了。怎知,已经五点多了,怎没还没有动静,反回第一面。"har??两小时半?!"很paiseh,居然突然说了出来。。sia sui.....Lecturer你太好人了。。 C++,第三和第四题是背答案去考的,目前以来还是第一次,Lecturer你还有教什么课,很值得考虑去拿。可前面两题很deng deng deng..刚刚考完 regression,也是我背proving,背formula背得最惨的一科。第一题,按了好多次calculator,怕按错values就大支了。。第二题也算ok,第三题,有几part做错了。当我再跟lecturer要空纸时,看到88居然在后面翘脚!! 龟龟的他,酱快做完的。。鸭力。。。想到midterm test 被lecturer档掉就不爽!!emo......!@#@#%!%! deng deng deng..后天考mlc,还没读。但愿Mr R不要在跟我开玩笑了,希望他不要在玩我了,不要再让我在考场发呆,让我有机会做做吧。。你知道能在考场发呆是很鸭力的吗!! mlc过后,再过两天就要考fm,已经一个礼拜没碰了,感觉好像要去fail一样。。好像把五百块点火烧了。。deng deng deng.. 明天我housemate考fm, good luck to him~考完fm,后天又要考life insurance..... 累。。。。。。


很想去睡觉,可没次躺在床都睡不着。。爬起来又不能读书。。麻烦多多。。deng deng deng..