Little Girl, when you wash my hair,
can you please look at my hair ah?
instead of looking at my eyes constantly..
If I close my eyes, I feel I don't have etiquette..
If I'm stick looking at you eyes too,
very embarrassing lah you know.. ==
Little Girl, may be my head is quite big la,
I know that..
may be the area of my hair quite big too..
BUT you don't have to wash and massage so long mah,
My head would melt....
Little Girl, you know mahh..
guy like me..
care about their hairstyle very very much..
When I opened my eyes..
Hair?? Hair!! My hair leh?!
mana I punya rambut??
walao eh..T__T
who is this botak?!
who is this botak?!
I can't believe my eyes!!
I've not had so botak after babyhood!!
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